UI Elements
Simply, UI = User Interface
If you navigate to Google URL on any browser, it should be look like below.
From this, you can observe something like below in the application.
Search box, buttons (Sign In, Google Search, I’m Feeling Lucky), Google
Image, Links (Gmail, Images) and many more
So, all these elements are available in user interface. Hence, we called
them as “UI ELEMENTS”
We can have categorized all above elements in 2 ways
Input Elements: Search box, buttons, Google Image, Links
Output Elements: Google Result
Operations which you performed on input/output elements is called as Input / Output Actions
Input Actions: Clicks, Text Typing, Mouse Hover, Key board Shortcuts
Output Actions: Getting Text, Finding Elements, Getting Results
From above, UI elements only constructs an application, if we know how
to interact with them enables you to implement UI automation much faster
and easier.
All interactions with the UI can be split into input and output as
discussed above. This categorization helps you better understand which actions
to use in different scenarios, when to use them, and the technology behind
them. These are also going to be useful when dealing with scraping (Which
discuss later)
Then the very Next Question is
How to Interact with UI Elements?
Generally, when we trying to identify a person/thing we took some
properties (Height, width, color). In the same way, if you want to interact
with UI Elements, you’ve to consider UI Elements properties
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