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Introduction to Python

What is Programming Language?
1.A programming language is a set of rules that
provides a way of telling a computer what
operations to perform.

2.A programming language is a set of rules for
communicating an algorithm

3.It provides a linguistic framework for
describing computations
provides a way of telling a computer what
operations to perform.

Types of computer languages:
Machine Language :

     1.The fundamental language of the computer’s processor, also called Low Level Language.
     2.All programs are converted into machine language before they can be executed.
     3.Consists of combination of 0’s and 1’s that represent high and low electrical voltage.

Assembly Language :
     1.A low level language that is similar to machine language.
 2.Uses symbolic operation code to represent the machine operation code.
      Eg :
LOAD r1,b
LOAD r2,h
MUL r1,r2
DIV r1,#2

High level Language :

1.Computer (programming) languages that are easier to learn.
2.Uses English like statements.
3.Examples are Python,C ++, Visual Basic, Pascal, Fortran and …....

What is Python?
1. Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. The application development process much faster and easier
2. The programming language Python was conceived in the late 1980s, and its implementation was started in December 1989 by
    Guido van Rossum at  Netherlands as a successor to the ABC (programming language)
3. Python First release happened in 1991.
4. Python was named for the BBC TV show Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Why python?
1. Easy to understand
2. Beginners language
3. Portable
4. Less lines of code
5. Simple to implement
6. Huge libraries supports

Feautures of python:
1. Easy to learn and use.
2. Expressive language
3. Interpreted language.
4. Cross platform language(windows,linux,mac)
5. Free to install and opensource
6. Object oriented language
7. Extensible, Awesome online community
8. Large standard library(numpy,scipy)
9. GUI programming (Tkinter)

Python Implemenation alternatives:
1. CPython(stadnard implemenation of python)
2. Jython(Python for java)
3. IronPython( Python for .net)
4. Stackless (Python for concurrency)
5. PyPy ( Python for speed)

Python Packages :
1. Web devlopment - Django,Flask frameworks,Pylons,Web2py framworks.
2. Artificiat Intelligence : Scikit-learn,Keras,TensorFlow,OpenCV
3. GUI - TKinter
4. Desktop Applications : Jython, WxPython
5. Game Development : pygame
6. Testing : Spliter Tool,pytest framework
7. Bigdata : Pydoop,DASK,PySpark Libraries
8. DataScience : NumPy,Pandas,matplotlib,seaborn libraries
9. AWS : boto
10. Robotic process : pyro
11. Web Scraping : Beautifulsoup4,urllib2,mechanize
12. Devops & System Admin : Os,Sys,Shutil,Glob,Subprocess,PathLib,fabric
13. Networking : Twisted,socket,client and server

Who uses Python :

Data engineers, data scientists, System administrators and
developers. Python is not industry specific, but task specific—great
for data processing, business intelligence, and some application

Google, You Tube,
Instagram, DropBox,
Survey Monkey, Quora,
Pinterest, Reddit
Yahoo Maps,…..


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