Yes...!! you heard is right 😊and
it’s possible with simple coded steps.
When we’re getting into a Daily
work, we’ve to deal with many Tools, Editors, Folders and Files. Opening of all
these on daily basis is a tedious job 😖.
In My Scenario, daily I’ve to open
multiple chrome browsers, project folders, files and visual studio to continue
my regular project tasks. To mitigate this, I am bringing up this article for
Just by writing simple coded steps in a Notepad/any editor to overcome this.
Write below code in notepad and click on File->Save As -> Give your name followed by .bat extension and click on OK button. Now your shortcut key is ready. Just double click it and have fun with it.
Below is the code:
@echo off
:: Open folders
start %USERPROFILE%\Documents\
start %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Test\
:: Open files
start "" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\DeskTop\SM\test.txt"
::Open browser
start chrome.exe
start " "
Let’s Understand this code line by line
@echo off – is a command that disable the echoing or displaying on the
screen and suppresses echoing for the terminal attached to a specified process.
Exit – to exit from program, act as a break line in coding
::Open Folders
- it opens respective
folders based on paths given. Here it’ll open Documents Folder
You’ve to specify your folder name
and its relevant path in above command
like given as Documents\
:: Open files
- it opens respective files based on paths given. Here it’ll open test.txt
file from SM Folder. Remember we’ve to provide path including .extension
of the file (like .xls, .exe)
"" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Desktop\SM\test.txt"
You’ve to specify your file name with
extension(.txt) in above command like given
as test.txt
browser - it opens chrome browser and opens
given url. If you’ve not given chrome.exe, given URL opens in a Default browser
start "
If you’re not able to find exact paths of your files, folders, browsers and other tools.
Follow Below
Step 1: Open the Start menu and go to All
apps to find the first program you want to open in your batch.
Right-click on the program and click Open file location.
Step 2: A File Explorer window will open to the
program's location. Right-click on the program in the File Explorer window and
click Properties.
Step 3: In the Properties window, click the Shortcut
tab. Find Target: field, select the text in the textbox,
and copy it. And use in your batch scripts
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the second (and
third, and fourth) program(s) you want to open in this shortcut.
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